Hydrogen refuelling Dispenser

Users enjoy using HH's hydrogen refueling dispensers because of their straightforward and safe design. In order to accommodate small, medium, and large fleet owners, HH's most recent hydrogen refueling dispenser offers a distinctive variety of 350, 700, and hybrid 350/700 bar. These safe and easy-to-use dispensers provide complete control over the process of filling cars, buses and trucks while adhering to national and international norms and standards and are currently being sold within India. With our team of technicians, we are constantly enhancing our design to reduce the filling speed to under a few minutes.


Electrolyser Power, H2 production, Energy consumption, and flow rate calculator

Understanding the performance and operational dynamics of electrolyser cells or stacks is crucial for optimizing their efficiency. Our innovative smart calculator provides a comprehensive analysis by calculating key metrics such as hydrogen production rate, power and energy consumption, heat generated, and the theoretical water required for hydrogen production. Additionally, it estimates the flow rate of water or lye necessary to maintain optimal conditions in the electrolyser cell or stack, ensuring minimal overpotential.

Users can input parameters such as single cell voltage, total stack voltage, number of cells, current density, and the active area of each cell. The calculator then computes the total power used, hydrogen production rate, energy consumption, and the heat evolved during operation. By specifying the specific heat capacity (Cp) and temperature different between inlet and outlet of the electrolyser stack (ΔT), users can also determine the appropriate flow rate of water or lye required to maintain a uniform temperature across the stack.


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